Navigating Faith and Humanity in the
Artificial Intelligence World
Artificial intelligence is one of the major topics of 2024. While AI promises to disrupt and improve our lives, many see potential threats. The rapidly changing technology is raising questions around responsibility and stewardship of such capabilities. AI touches not only technological questions, but spiritual, ethical and philosophical questions, as it continues to advance. These questions are not only for technological and governmental leaders to address, but for churches and theologians.
The 2024 Infinity Summit will bring together thought leaders, scholars, students, and professionals from both the AI and faith communities. The summit seeks to foster a discourse on the intersections between artificial intelligence and faith, exploring the progress and future impacts AI may have on society, and the role of the church. After understanding where we stand in the development of AI, attendees will engage with key concepts and confront the ethical, philosophical, and theological questions posed by this rapidly evolving technology.
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