Being a Part of Men in Real Life

Foundational to Men in Real Life is finding new relationships and fostering brotherly fellowship and trust. Through these relationships, we experience what is pleasing to God and witness the manifestation of the Holy Spirit around us and through us. We have been blessed sharing, reflecting, praising, praying, and getting to know other brothers better through our struggles, grief, joys, and testimonies. Last Fall, we studied C.S. Lewis’ classic book Screwtape Letters. We were enlightened with a sly and ironic portrayal of human life and weakness from the vantage point of Screwtape, the highly placed assistant to "Our Father Below." In Screwtape Letters we saw examples taken from everyday life that show the subtle, less overt ways the enemy seeks to attack us and otherwise undermine us in our daily walk with God. When it comes to spiritual warfare and threats from the enemy, we tend to focus on the big decisions or watershed moments in our lives. We would be wise to pause and take stock of where we stand and, if necessary, move off the "shifting sand" and back onto the "solid rock." We must live in sync with God, walking in the Spirit and promptly confessing and repenting of sin. We must have a heart to do whatever must be done, wherever it needs doing and to help whoever requires assistance. We must be willing to humble ourselves to serve others. God is looking for men who will ignore pride, position, and power.