
Impacting Lives for His Glory!

Our year-to-date giving from September 1, 2024, to March 9, 2025, totaled $3,330,000. We are behind the year-to-date giving forecast by $31,500.

Give to Fire Relief

Financial support for fire victims can be given to our special Fire Relief Fund, which has been set up to support the relocation and recovery of impacted families.

Ways to Give

Give Online

Give Online

You can give conveniently and securely on our website using your bank account, credit card, Google Pay, or Apple Pay.

Give Now!

Text to Give

Text to Give

Give conveniently anytime and anywhere simply by texting "Give" to (626) 329-4700.

Mobile messaging & data rates may apply.

Check or Cash

Check or Cash

You can always give by check (made payable to Lake Avenue Church) or by cash during our weekend service offering or you may drop it off or mail your check to the church.

Automate Your Giving

Automate Your Giving

Recurring gift is a great way to consistently give. Setting up a recurring giving is quick and easy, follow these simple steps: click the button below, in the form click "Setup Recurring" enter the amount, choose your schedule and the designated fund then click Give button (follow the prompt from then on).

Set Up Recurring Giving

Non-Cash Gifts

Summarized below are several gift types, one or more of which might fit your needs. This list is not comprehensive as there are numerous others as well. Our purpose is to provide ideas as you consider stewardship of the assets you have been blessed with. While the Church does not provide legal, financial planning or accountancy advice, we can discuss your interests and point to appropriate professional advisement.

You may designate Lake Avenue Church to receive all or a portion of your estate after your lifetime. This type of giving may be accomplished through:

Will or Living Trust

Bequest through your will or living trust results in a meaningful donation to Lake Avenue Church while ensuring that you have adequate funds throughout your lifetime. A bequest is one of the simplest planned gifts to establish.

You want to wisely manage your assets while making a meaningful contribution to Lake Avenue Church. You also want to make certain you have adequate funds throughout your lifetime.

We invite you and/or your advisor to have a confidential conversation with us at no obligation. To make a bequest of a specific amount, use the following language in your estate plan:

“I hereby give, devise and bequeath __________________________ ($DOLLARS) (alternatively, XX% of my estate, the residual of my estate, or describe a specific asset[s]) to Lake Avenue Church, a nonprofit organization located at 393 North Lake Avenue, Pasadena, CA, 91101, Federal Tax ID #95-1660848, for Lake Avenue Church’s general use and purpose.”

Stock or Mutual Funds

Donating appreciated stock or mutual Funds is a great way to maximize your giving because it can result in an immediate maximum charitable tax deduction possible while minimizing your capital gain taxes. A gift through a Trust can provide you with income for life or provide a legacy to your heirs while making a donation (current or deferred) to Lake Avenue Church.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions

Fulfilling the minimum distribution requirements of your IRA by making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) reduces your taxable income and transfers the funds to Lake Avenue Church tax-free. You can also minimize estate tax liability by leaving the remainder of your IRA to Lake Avenue Church by naming us as the beneficiary.

Make a Planned Gift

We invite you to contact us at (626) 844-4700 or send us as an email at [email protected] to initiate a conversation about any planned gift. While we encourage you to consult with a lawyer, tax advisor or financial planner of your choice, we will be glad to provide helpful information to guide you as you evaluate your options. We are also glad to speak with your financial advisor or attorney to discuss this giving option in complete confidence and without any obligation.

Ministry Budget

General Fund Budget

By Category

Ministry Budget Overview

Fiscal Year 2022-2023


Frequently Asked Questions

Tax season is around the corner. An email was sent in early February with a direct link to your 2023 giving statement. If you did not receive an email, go to and create a new account on our church portal. Use the same email address that you use for any online giving. You’ll be prompted to create a new username and password. Once you have created your account on our church member portal, you can print your tax receipt by clicking on 'My Giving'. On your church portal, you’ll also be able to manage your giving. Questions? Contact [email protected]