At Lake Avenue Church, we are committed to renewing and revitalizing our Men’s Ministry. Our vision is to create an environment that provides spiritual guidance, development and support to the men of Lake by building accountability and serving our church and the community.
We hope to build upon the existing Men’s Groups, including Men in Real Life, Men’s Bible Study Fellowship, Encouragers, the Tuesday Morning Prayer Group and Sunday School Classes. All of these complement each other and are united under the umbrella of LAC. Other groups, including College and Young Adults and Next Generation Ministries will be engaged and urged to participate. We will strive to disciple and nurture men of all inter-generational groups to become servant-leaders, as exemplified by Jesus.
Our leadership team is continuing to meet and to encourage smaller gatherings of men to join our blended group and authenticate our calling across the full spectrum of Men’s Ministry at LAC.
Join us for a “galvanizing service project” on Saturday, September 30 at 8 am. Breakfast will be served in HH400 (Skyroom) followed by the charge to carry out God’s mission in a morning of serving our community. Visit us online to learn more about the service projects and please register at by searching keyword: lacmen
We are called to bring all men together by being a loving, celebrating and welcoming family grounded in God’s Word. For further information, please contact [email protected].
You are invited to join our Men's Bible study groups this September—Men in Real Life (keyword: meninreallife), Bible Study Fellowship (keyword: bsf) and a few others. Visit us online and our table in the Worship Center Lobby on Sundays. Questions? Contact Adult Ministries at [email protected] or 626.817.4881.