For this Purpose

In every season of life, we need a purpose. Having a sense of purpose gives direction and hope. Jesus sets the example of having a purpose—"But for this purpose I have come to this hour." (John 12:27) Knowing our purpose will affect our actions, attitudes, and words. It will bring clarity and fresh perspective, simplifying our lives down to the most important issues.

Grandparents are called by God to be more than just trusted playmates; we are called to leave a lasting Christian legacy for future generations (Deuteronomy 4:9; Psalm 78:5-7). Whether we live close to our grandchildren and see them all the time, or deal with the barrier of distance, this one-day conference will inspire generational discipleship and build unity across our families and churches. You are invited to join grandparents from LAC and other nearby churches for our third simulcast Legacy Grandparenting Summit on Saturday, February 22, 2025, 9 am to 4:30 pm, FL300 Warehouse. At the conference, speakers will encourage us in carrying out our God-given purpose. There will be times of conversation and prayer at our tables as well.

“I especially appreciated the table discussions and learned a lot from other grandparents. I also loved praying for our grandchildren, adult children, and each other”

–Mike Yamane