Alleluia Class

A loving fellowship encouraging each other to joyfully live out the Great Commandment

Our Mission

Alleluia Class is a loving fellowship encouraging each other to joyfully live out the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Hospitality, Community and Global Outreach extends from this family to bless the world with God’s love. We meet on the Second Sunday of each month for lunch fellowship and prayer. Our diverse Asian and all ethnicities group welcomes married couples and singles to grow in generous stewardship and serving others from the heart. Living out Biblical values, we celebrate life stages such as Baby Shower, Birthday, Wedding, Cultural Community Events, to build strong families so that by our love the world may know we are Jesus Christ’s disciples.

Please contact [email protected] to reserve a seat and order your restaurant boxed lunch; free drinks and tasty desserts are provided by volunteers.


Apr. 14, 2024 - Ongoing The 2nd Sunday of every month at 11:00 AM Next Meeting:Apr. 13, 2025


Prayer Garden

Meet Our Team

Carren Ong

Class President

Charles Ong