Marriage Ministries

Dedicated to helping couples cultivate healthy and thriving Christ-centered marriages


Lake Avenue Church Marriage Ministries is dedicated to help couples cultivate healthy and thriving Christian marriages that in turn will impact families, the church, community, and ultimately the world, for the glory and cause of Jesus Christ.

Whether you are dating, your marriage is just beginning or you have celebrated more than 50 anniversaries, whether you’re looking for enrichment or you are experiencing distress, LAC provides a variety of resources that enable couples to understand God’s design for marriage and equip them with the practical tools, skills and community needed for a life-long, fulfilling and Christ-centered marriage.

Mentoring Programs

We have three programs for connecting couples with trained and experienced couples that are further down the road of life and marriage.


For couples seriously dating or engaged, this program focuses on addressing key marital issues before you are married, as well as encouraging you in your relationship.

You meet 2:2 with a mentor couple, or with a mentor couple and several premarital couples in a small group, in bi-weekly or monthly meetings as the couples work through the book.


For couples of any age who want their marriage to be enhanced, LAC’s Marriage Coaching program matches you with another couple who meets with you once or twice a month to work through a curriculum, share life experiences, and provide encouragement, support and prayer for you and your marriage.

The program utilizes a curriculum developed by Biola University’s Center for Marriage & Relationships, which uniquely combines the timeless wisdom of Scripture, scholarly marriage research and a variety of tools and skill for strengthening marriages.


  • Healthy Communication
  • Conflict Management
  • Setting Expectations
  • Similarities and Managing Differences
  • Gratitude
  • Forgiveness
  • Emotions
  • Listening
  • Sexual Intimacy
  • Spiritual Intimacy

Research shows coached couples have marriages that are happier and healthier, with more contentment, passion, joy and resilience along with a deeper and more profound faith-based connection.


For couples who could use some help, or who are experiencing difficulties in their marriage, our Marriage Mentoring program is a focused experience involving 12 weekly meetings with an experienced mentor couple.

The curriculum will address such issues as baggage, forgiveness, communication, conflict and more. There will be weekly homework to practice what was discussed. Efforts of the couple, in combination with the biblical and relationship-based curriculum, the support, encouragement and prayer of a mentor couple, and the power of the Holy Spirit has repeatedly proven to bring dramatic transformation and renewal to marriages.


The Christ-centered curriculum was designed and refined over a period of 15 years with more than 300 couples, and includes material on:

  • The Spirit Filled Life
  • God’s Design for Marriage
  • Biblical Responsibilities for Husbands and Wives
  • Deception and Truth
  • How to Manage Family and Historical “Baggage”
  • Confession and Forgiveness
  • Communication Skills
  • Conflict Resolution Techniques
  • Dealing with Personality Differences
  • Commitment and Goal Setting

Over the course of the program, the mentored couple builds their vertical relationship with God and their horizontal relationship with one another, as they gain skills and tools for a fulfilling marriage. The weekly meetings are about 90 minutes, with another 90 minutes required each week for individual and couple homework.

Assessments conducted at program inception and completion have revealed significant improvements in many areas including Overall Marital Satisfaction, Relationship Dynamics, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Partner Style and Habits, Financial Management, Sexual Relationship, Family and Friends, Roles and Responsibilities, and Forgiveness. In addition, “Graduates” have noted the special value of working with a caring and skilled mentor couple weekly, over several months in a “life on life” relationship, including the very meaningful lessons learned as the mentor couple shares their relational challenges, mistakes, and life lessons, as well as their suggested strategies for a healthy and vitalized marriage.

Next Steps

For couples interested in going through any of our premarital* or marital programs, please complete our questionnaire (see below) - each spouse should complete the questionnaire separately.

*Please answer the questions in the context of your existing relationship.


Our Marriage Ministries team will contact you after both of you complete the questionnaire. The next steps are an Assessment, and then an Intake Interview to gain more insights into your relationship which will enable us to better match you with a mentor couple.


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Meet Our Team

Debbie Gonzalez

Administrative Coordinator for Congregational Life Ministries