Fidelis Class

Fidelis is a diverse community of single and married adults in their 30s and 40s, many with young children.

Our Mission

To support families during an ever-changing time when being surrounded by peers in the same stage of life is vital. We meet on Sunday mornings for teaching and fellowship, have regular class events, and encourage participation in small groups.

PRAYER: We pray together weekly and support each other as we draw closer to God

COMMUNITY: We enjoy spending time together at class and outside of class through small groups and events

SCRIPTURE: We spend time in the Bible, discussing it, seeking to learn what God is telling us, and working to apply it.

During Fidelis, kids are welcome to join in the 2nd hour community time for kids and students which takes place in HH 402.

Please contact Matt Fenske at


Weekly Sunday at 11:00 AM


Hutchins Hall Building HH 401

Meet Our Team

Matt Fenske

Class President