The Congregational Leadership Covenant of Lake Avenue Church (Bylaws)

StatementsFebruary 5, 2023

How We Have Agreed to Follow Jesus Together

We are Lake Avenue Church, also known as Lake Avenue Congregational Church and incorporated as Lake Avenue Congregational Church of Pasadena. Lake Avenue Church includes everyone in our congregation: worshipers, members, pastoral team, staff, and all others who participate in our ministries or otherwise identify themselves as part of this church. This congregational leadership covenant describes how we have agreed to follow Jesus together.

The foundational values of Lake Avenue Church are expressed in our historical Covenant, Polity, and Statement of Faith as stated in our former Bylaws, which are fully reaffirmed without change at the conclusion of this covenant. Lake Avenue Church is a member of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference. For purposes of California law, this document serves as our bylaws.

Our Leadership Approach

Jesus Christ is the head of the Church across the world and through all generations, of which we are a part, and He is the head of this church. Our leaders listen to God and discern His direction for us so we can take unified action in obedience to Him. Because we are a congregational church, our leaders arise from, are affirmed by, are followed by, and are accountable to the church. Our leaders include the elder council, church chair, senior pastor, pastoral team, deacons, leadership development team, and other individuals called to specific areas of leadership.

All leadership of the church and our responses to leadership must consistently reflect these values:

  • Obedience. We follow Jesus Christ as the head of Lake Avenue Church, trusting not in our ability to lead but in His promise to lead us. We look to the Bible as our authority for understanding God's guidance. Our leaders discern ways that God is at work in, through, and around us, and they guide us to embrace the role He has for us in His work. We are serious about confronting complacency and sin in our lives and our culture and relentlessly seeking to become more like Christ.
  • Humility and respect. Our leaders must walk in the humility of Jesus and respect His work in and through each of us, as we all honor others above ourselves and give greater honor to those from whom it has been withheld. Our selection of leadership draws upon the full breadth of the body of Christ within our church family, as we value and learn from our differences and do the work required to make each one's leadership meaningful. We make significant decisions about specific ministries in consultation with those who have been called to leadership and engagement in those ministries.
  • Oneness. We are made one under the Lordship of Jesus. Leadership of our ministries is an active partnership of the pastoral team and other leaders, in which each contributes meaningfully to the direction and implementation of the ministry. We are committed to truthful and loving and effective communication to, from, and among our leaders. We do not define oneness as agreement about all issues, but rather we commit ourselves by the power of and in submission to the Holy Spirit to love and accept one another despite our disagreements and to move forward together. We welcome individuals' questions, suggestions, comments, and expressions of concern and do not criticize or marginalize anyone for having a different perspective which is consistent with Scripture. We do not divide into opposing camps, but instead we talk and pray with one another and seek the Lord, so that His will may become evident among us and we may effectively minister as one body.


While Lake Avenue Church includes our entire congregation, all are encouraged to express their commitment by becoming members. An individual becomes a member of the church or has prior membership restored by completing a process determined by the elder council, having confessed Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, been baptized, and accepted this covenant. One continues to be a member until requesting in writing that the church terminate the status as a member, being removed from membership as inactive through a reasonable process established by the elder council (such as failing for 90 days to respond to an inquiry sent to the last address given by the member to the church), being removed from membership as a result of a disciplinary process, or death. The elder council maintains the list of members.

Members affirm that they will fulfill these six responsibilities: be faithful in following Jesus, habitually attend the worship services of the church, participate in the community life of the church, serve in the church's ministries, give regularly for the support of the church, and abide by this congregational leadership covenant.

Leadership Groups

Elder Council and Church Chair

The church appoints elders as described throughout Scripture, including Acts 14:23, I Timothy 3:1-7 & 5:17, Titus 1:5-9, James 5:14, and I Peter 5:1-3. The elders serve together as the elder council, which gives primary overall leadership and oversight for the spiritual well-being, ministry, and business of the church. The church follows the leadership of the elder council. The church has delegated to the elder council authority over all church matters except as otherwise provided in this covenant. To keep the elders and other leaders accountable to the church, the members retain authority as described in this covenant to elect elders and those on the leadership development team and senior pastor search team, to approve the calling of a senior pastor and other pastors, to require discussion of issues at church meetings, to approve certain important decisions, to remove elders and other leaders from service, and to propose and adopt changes to this covenant. And as Hebrews 13:17 says, the elders are accountable to God.

The elder council determines the structure of ministry oversight in consultation with the pastoral team and communicates it to the church, assuring that each ministry of the church is overseen directly or indirectly by one or more elders or deacons, who together with the pastors establish and pursue ministry goals, adopt and apply policies, and steward resources. In consultation with the pastoral team, the elder council adopts and communicates to the church statements of mission, vision, values, goals, or other expressions to unify us in following Christ. For clarity and consistency and effective ministry, the elder council may adopt policies and procedures in accord with this covenant, which remain in effect until they are changed by the elders. The elder council notifies the church when it adopts or amends the ministry oversight structure, unifying statements, policies, and procedures, maintains them in written form, and makes them available to the church.

The elder council proposes the annual overall budget of the church and any other actions which require approval by the members. The elder council leads in matters of discipline and restoration of those in the church, interpreting and applying Scriptural standards of behavior. For purposes of California law, the elder council serves as the church's board of directors and designates a corporate secretary and treasurer, and the senior pastor serves as president and chief executive officer.

Ten elders are elected by the members for three-year terms beginning September 1, with three or four elders' terms expiring each year; elected elders may serve up to six consecutive years, not counting an initial partial term of one year or less. The senior pastor and another person on the pastoral team designated by the senior pastor also serve as elders on the council, for a total of twelve.

One elected elder is elected by the members as church chair, with the responsibilities provided in this covenant and in the ministry oversight structure adopted by the elder council. The term of the church chair is generally two years beginning September 1, but to meet particular needs the leadership development team may specify a shorter term. The church chair may be renominated and reelected for multiple terms, subject to the limitation on consecutive years of service by an elder. The elder council chooses from among the elected elders a vice chair to assist the church chair.

The elder council may shorten the term of an elected elder or the church chair upon approval of 70% of the other elders.

Senior Pastor and Pastoral Team

The senior pastor is the overall spiritual shepherd of the church. He oversees the teaching of Scripture and leads the pastoral team and the other church staff, subject to the provisions of this covenant and policies adopted by the elder council. The pastoral team includes all professional ministerial staff serving the church. The pastoral team is represented by the senior pastor to and is accountable to the elder council.

The senior pastor is called by the process described in this covenant. Other open positions on the pastoral team are announced so the church may pray for the search process and suggest names for consideration. Individuals are called to the pastoral team through processes determined by the senior pastor in consultation with the elder council, subject to approval by the elder council and then, for pastors, by the members. In the absence of a senior pastor, the roles of the senior pastor under this covenant are assigned by the elder council to one or more individuals on the pastoral team.


The elder council appoints deacons to join with the pastoral team in discerning how God is working through the church and to provide leadership, support, and direction for those carrying out our ministries. The elder council also establishes committees consisting of elders, deacons, and appropriate individuals from the pastoral team or staff to advise and support the elder council and to exercise any authority delegated by the elder council. The deacons are selected and appointed for terms as determined by the elder council, in consultation with the leadership development team and the pastoral team, and are announced to the church. All specific ministry decisions and policies made by the deacons are reported to and subject to review and modification by the elder council.

Leadership Development Team

The leadership development team works continuously with people throughout the church to identify prospective elders, deacons, and other leaders, facilitate mentoring and other development of leadership qualities, identify leadership needs, and recommend individuals to serve as leaders of the church.

The leadership development team consists of ten individuals: six elected by the members, two elders other than the church chair appointed by the elder council, an individual from the pastoral team appointed by the senior pastor, and the church chair advising but having no vote. Those elected by the members serve three-year terms beginning September 1, with two terms expiring each year; upon completion of a term, one who has served more than one year may not be reelected for at least one year. An elder may not be nominated for reelection as an elder for a term beginning within one year after serving on the leadership development team. The team chair is appointed from among the elected members by the elder council but may be changed by the team.

Senior Pastor Search Team

A senior pastor search team is formed when the elder council has determined that a senior pastor vacancy exists or will exist. The team consists of thirteen individuals: nine elected by the members, three elders other than the church chair designated by the elder council, and the church chair advising but having no vote. The chair of the senior pastor search team is appointed from within the team by the elder council but may be changed by the search team.

The search team finds and recommends a candidate. The search team communicates often and transparently with the church, while preserving the confidentiality needed by potential candidates. The elders serving on the search team maintain communication between the team and the elder council. The search team consults with others in the church as the team considers best.

When the search team has identified a candidate, before the name of the candidate is made known, the search team and candidate meet confidentially with the elder council, and the elder council makes its recommendation to the search team. The search team then decides whether to proceed with the candidate. The calling of a senior pastor requires approval by 75% of the members voting on the call, as introduced at a church meeting called for that purpose by the search team in coordination with the elder council. The timing and process for commencement of the senior pastor's service is determined by the elder council in coordination with the new senior pastor, the search team, and those who guide personnel policies and practices.

Actions by Leadership Groups

Actions are taken by the elder council, the leadership development team, the senior pastor search team, and other leadership groups appointed by the elder council only upon approval (during a meeting or in writing) by a majority of all individuals in the group (other than any who abstain due to a conflict of interest), except as otherwise specified in this covenant. When required by California law, actions by the elder council must be either approved by a majority of all elders during a meeting at which a majority is present or approved in writing by all elders.

Selection of Leaders

Our leaders must have and maintain the qualifications described in Scripture, such as John 12:26, Acts 6:1-7 & 14:23, Romans 16:1-2, 1 Timothy 3:1-13 & 5:17, Titus 1:4-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-11, to the extent appropriate to their positions of service. Our elected leaders and deacons must be members who fulfill the six responsibilities of members described in this covenant and who have demonstrated faithfulness in other leadership within the church. To shepherd all of our people, we choose leaders who reflect our breadth of background, life experience, generations, ministry focus, and gifts.

The leadership development team draws upon recommendations from the entire church and the team's accumulated experience and wisdom to identify, prepare, and recommend leaders for service, and coordinates the processes for their approval, as follows:

  • EldersFor elders serving new terms or filling mid-term vacancies, in consultation with the elder council and the pastoral team, the leadership development team nominates an individual for each vacancy and presents the nominees to the members for election.
  • Church Chair. For church chair, the leadership development team nominates for election by the members a current or newly nominated elected elder who has served on the elder council (or the ministry council under the prior bylaws). If that elder's term would have otherwise ended, it is extended for the term as church chair.
  • Deacons. For deacons, the leadership development team offers advice to the elder council, and the elder council makes the appointments, in consultation with the pastoral team.
  • Leadership Development Team. For the leadership development team, a group of five deacons is selected annually by the deacons (convened by the church chair). The five selected deacons are announced to the church so that the church may pray for the process and suggest names for their consideration. In consultation with the elder council, the pastoral team, and the leadership development team, the five deacons nominate individuals for new terms of service on the leadership development team and present the nominees to the members for election. Any mid-term vacancy is filled by the elder council, in consultation with the leadership development team and the pastoral team.
  • Senior Pastor Search Team. For the nine elected to serve on a senior pastor search team, the leadership development team nominates individuals who are not then elders from among those recommended either by the elder council or on a written form signed by at least five members age 16 or over, and presents its nominees to the members for election. The number of nominees presented for election may equal or exceed the number of open positions, as determined by the leadership development team. After nine have been elected to the senior pastor search team, any vacancy is filled by the leadership development team.

Nominees are presented to the members through a process coordinated by the church chair. If an individual nominated to serve is not elected by the vote of the members and this results in a vacancy, then another individual is nominated by the same process.

Participation of and Accountability to the Congregation


The elder council works continuously to promote mutual communication among the church and its leaders, listening to the entire congregation and keeping the church informed of significant decisions. The elders provide ways for individuals in the church to contact them directly, and they actively seek opportunities to gain insight from others. The elder council is responsible for preserving and providing proper access to the church records.

Church Meetings

We have church meetings to enhance communication within the entire church and allow members to consider actions requiring their approval. Everyone in the church–elders, deacons, the pastoral team, members, and others–is encouraged to enjoy the privilege of taking an active part in the life of the church by attending church meetings and participating in discussions, though only members age 16 or over may vote. Our church meetings occur at least twice a year, at times and locations and in ways determined by the elder council, after at least 14 days' notice through announcement at the weekly worship services and other church communication channels as directed by the elder council.

Church meetings may be included as part of a worship service or other gathering.

The church chair (or in the chair's absence the vice chair, or in the vice chair's absence an elder designated by the chair) presides at church meetings and determines how they are conducted, with or without formal procedural rules, and with or without provision for remote attendance, subject to any policies established by the elder council. Actions requiring approval by the members can be taken only if 125 members have been counted as attending the meeting, but all other aspects of a church meeting may take place without 125 members.

Approval by Members

Approval by the members is necessary only for election of the elders and church chair and those serving on the leadership development team and senior pastor search team, calling a senior pastor and other pastors, adoption of each year's overall budget, major changes in real property used primarily for the ministries of the church (purchase, sale, transfer, lease for more than five years, encumbrance, and construction or demolition of a permanent building), and any other action by the members provided in this covenant.

Except as otherwise provided in the next paragraph, approval by the members means the affirmative vote of a majority of the members who vote for or against an action or election. Those voting are asked to affirm that they fulfill the six responsibilities of members described in this covenant. The vote on an action introduced at a meeting with 125 members attending may be conducted during and after the meeting in a manner determined by the church chair (or other individual presiding), which may allow members not present at the meeting to participate in a written vote in a prescribed way during a limited period following the meeting, provided that the period for voting is set before voting begins and no votes are counted until voting has ended. No voting by proxy is permitted.


An amendment of this congregational leadership covenant or of the church's Articles of Incorporation may be proposed for approval by the members in two ways: First, the elder council may propose any amendment. Second, an amendment may be requested of the elder council in a writing signed by at least 25 members; if it is not then proposed by the elder council within 90 days after the request, it may be proposed in a writing signed by 100 members. No change shall be made in the foundational declarations below (Covenant, Polity, and Statement of Faith) or to the vote requirement established by this sentence, except at a regular meeting of the Congregation or by a written ballot with a three-fourths vote of ALL the members of the church entitled to vote, said proposal having been laid before the church in writing at a business meeting at least one month before the time of the proposed action and read from the pulpit in the worship service next succeeding such proposal; a regular meeting or business meeting means a church meeting initiated by the elder council. Any other amendment is effective only if it is approved by 75% of the members who vote for or against it, at least 14 days after the proposed amendment has been announced at the weekly worship services and the text of the amendment has been made available in the lobby of the worship center and through other church communication channels as directed by the elder council.

Addressing Concerns

Individuals in the church play an important role in bringing to the attention of our leaders issues and perspectives of which our leaders may be unaware or in need of reminder. Any member or individual on the pastoral team who has a concern about the church or a leadership decision, or about the leadership fitness of an elected elder or a deacon or an individual serving on the leadership development team or senior pastor search team, may bring the concern to the elder council by written notice to the church chair, and that person and the elder council or a group of leaders designated by the church chair will seek to resolve the concern together. If the concern is brought to the elder council but not resolved within 60 days after the initial written notice, then upon the written request of 25 members age 16 or over the issue will be discussed at a church meeting within 60 days after the request for the meeting; if it is a concern about leadership fitness, the individual about whom the concern was raised may be removed by a 60% vote of the members who vote for or against removal, and the resulting vacancy will be filled through the normal process provided in this covenant.

Concerns will be expressed and addressed in a way that is consistent with our values of obedience, humility, respect, and oneness. In addition, the elder council adopts policies and procedures by which the church hears those needing extraordinary care, whose injuries or limitations may make regular reporting avenues unduly burdensome, holding and protecting them discreetly in love and gentleness.

Foundational Declarations


The Covenant by which this church exists as distinct body, and which every member accepts, is as follows:

  • Acknowledging Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Lord, and accepting the Holy Scripture as our rule of faith and practice, and recognizing the privilege and duty of uniting ourselves for Christian fellowship, the enjoyment of Christian ordinances, the public worship of God, and the advancement of His Kingdom in the world, we do now, in the sight of God and invoking His blessing, solemnly covenant and agree with each other to associate ourselves to be a church of the Lord Jesus Christ, as warranted by the Word of God.
  • We agree to maintain the institutions of the Gospel, to submit ourselves to the orderly administrations of the affairs of the church, and to walk together in brotherly love.
  • And this we do depending upon the aid of our Heavenly Father, who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for our salvation, and of Jesus Christ, who hath redeemed us by His blood, and of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide.


This church's government is vested in the body of believers who compose it. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation, which are common among Congregational Churches, and it is in fellowship with all churches which acknowledge Jesus as Christ to be their divine Redeemer and Lord.

Statement of Faith

Our shared faith as members of the Lake Avenue Church family centers on God's evangel, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the power of this gospel, God accomplishes His salvation plan: rescuing His people from sin, making each one complete in Christ, and making all things in His creation new. Our most basic theological convictions are aspects of this gospel:

  1. We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in a unity of love in three equally divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Having limitless knowledge and sovereign power, God has graciously purposed from eternity to establish a redeemed family from among all peoples and to make all things new for His own glory.
  2. We believe that God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, through the words of human authors. God, His work and His ways are revealed through the Bible truly though surely not exhaustively. As the inspired Word of God, it is without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for salvation, and the ultimate authority for what we believe and for how we live. Therefore, the Bible is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it promises.
  3. We believe that God created Adam and Eve in His image, but they sinned when they were tempted by Satan. The result is that all human beings are sinners by nature and by choice, alienated from God, and under His wrath. Through God's saving work in Jesus Christ we can be rescued, reconciled, and renewed.
  4. We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in two natures. Jesus, Israel's promised Messiah, was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate.
  5. We believe that Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, shed His blood on the cross as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins. His atoning death and victorious resurrection constitute the only ground for salvation.
  6. We believe that the Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of its guilt. He makes sinful people alive to God through faith in Christ, and through the Spirit they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted as heirs into the family of God. He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips, and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.
  7. We believe that the true Church began at Pentecost and is made up of people from every nation, tribe, people, and language who have been made right with God by His grace through faith alone in Christ alone. These members of God the Father's eternal family are reconciled to one another and united by the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The true Church is manifest in local churches. The Lord Jesus mandated baptism and the Lord's Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel. Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the Church in genuine faith, these practices confirm and nourish the believer.
  8. We believe that God's justifying grace must not be separated from His sanctifying power and purpose. God commands us to love Him supremely and others sacrificially, and to live out our faith with care for one another, compassion toward the poor, and justice for the oppressed. With God's Word, the Spirit's power, and fervent prayer in Christ's name, we are to combat the spiritual forces of evil. In obedience to Christ's commission, we are to make disciples among all people, always bearing witness to the gospel in word and deed.
  9. We believe in the glorious and personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will come in power and great glory to gather His people, to raise the dead, to judge the nations, and to bring His Kingdom to fulfillment. The coming of Christ, at a time known only to God, demands constant expectancy and motivates the believer to godly living, growing faith, sacrificial service, and energetic mission.
  10. We believe that God commands everyone everywhere to believe the gospel by turning to Him in repentance and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that God will raise the dead bodily and judge the world, assigning unbelievers to eternal separation from Him, and believers to eternal peace in His presence with restored relationships to God, renewed creation, and one another in the new heaven and the new earth, to the praise of His glorious grace.