Faith and Science: A New Perspective

STEM Community

Event by Evangelism

Saturday, Apr 26, 2025

9:00 - 11:00 AM

Family Life Center

FL 300 (Warehouse)

Premkumar_Finney_200x280px.jpgPlease join us for this exciting breakfast and talk featuring Professor Finney Premkumar. A regular attendee of LAC since 1990, Finney was in the financial and IT industry before committing to full-time ministry focusing on engaging the academy and equipping the church. Finney is very passionate about evangelism and has spoken at numerous academic conferences and delivered lectures at the Academy of Sciences in Poland and the Czech Republic. He was also privileged to be a featured speaker at UNESCO in Belgium. Additionally, he presented academic papers for 8 consecutive years at Oxford University (Ian Ramsey Center for Science and Religion) at the invitation of Professor Alister McGrath. He regularly addresses issues in philosophy, theology, science, ethics as well as technology (especially AI) and has spoken at various universities such as Harvard, Yale, MIT, UC Berkeley and Notre Dame, among others. He is convinced through his research and study that scientific and mathematical reasoning are based foundationally on faith. You will be informed and inspired as he maps out a new perspective on how to think meaningfully about faith and science as a Christian!

Registration is $15. Child care will not be provided. If you are experiencing financial hardships, scholarships are available, please email Denney Premkumar.

For questions or more information about the event, please contact Denney Premkumar at [email protected] or (626) 817-4685.

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