Fall Rooted Launches in October

Lake Avenue Church finished the first church-wide offering of the Rooted experience this Spring. While the materials of the rhythms of Rooted provide solid Biblical foundation, the real learning was in the small group experience and the personal stories that came from those groups. 

The stories of the impact of Rooted are still fresh for many. The testimonies at the Rooted celebration in the Spring included:

“Before Rooted, I was in a season of life where I felt I was searching for God, but also a little unfocused. Today I feel that my line of communication with God has opened wider with the help of community and spiritual disciplines.” 

“Before Rooted, it had been a while since I was in a small group because I missed connecting in a small group while leading ministry. Now I have experienced community more, feel connected to other believers, look to equip leaders, and worked through some spiritual strongholds through a growing dependence on the Holy Spirit.”

Those individual stories are authentic and lasting. But the purpose of Rooted is to better know
and experience its author (our Father God) who has called each of us to the lifelong journey of discipleship and following Jesus. Start your journey this Fall with Rooted, so you’ll have your own story that intersects with God’s story.

Interested in Participating in a Rooted Small Group?

More than 1,100 LAC Family members participated in 120 Rooted small groups this winter. Many shared how the combination of daily devotionals, weekly Sunday messages, discussions during the weekly meetings, devotion of the facilitators, prayer, and serve experiences enabled the participants to deepen their relationship with the Lord and enjoy a true community.

We expect to offer Rooted Groups twice a year. The Fall 2023 Rooted launches on Sunday, Oct. 1 and small group registration starts on Sept. 10. Look for more information in the September LakeAveNews or on the Lake Avenue Church website at www.lakeave.org in the upcoming weeks.