It’s all too easy to simply go with the flow, but the Men in Real Life (MiRL) ministry group are not content to follow the current. They recognize the challenges of living with the Lord’s purpose which is why they’ve taken the lead in exploring the Beatitudes. Together, they’re uncovering how Jesus’s profound teachings from the Sermon on the Mount can transform their lives, guiding them to become better men and more devoted disciples of Christ.
Since September, more than 30 men in MiRL — divided into 4 groups — have been engaging in a deep-dive Bible study, drawing from Pastor Mathew John’s new devotional, The Beatitudes: Blessings of the Kingdom. Week after week, they’re immersing themselves into these timeless truths, and for many, the journey has been life changing. Their perspectives on God, themselves, and others have shifted in profound ways. The men speak passionately about the deep fellowship they’ve experienced and their significant growth in their walk with the Lord like never before.
The result? A united commitment to impact the Kingdom. Together, they’re now planning a service project in November to extend God’s blessings to the broader community at the Door of Hope in Pasadena.
If the MiRL’s journey has inspired you to take bold steps of faith and to climb new spiritual mountains with Jesus, why not embark on your own study of the Beatitudes with friends or in a small group? Explore these resources: