“Haley” (not her real name) was 11 years old when she began searching online for help with an eating disorder. A friendly-sounding young man struck up a conversation with her using a chat program. He suggested a drug, which he sent her. Soon they met and he introduced her to a harder drug, and she became addicted. He forced her to have sex with his friends for money, which he kept to “pay for the drugs.” He trafficked her until she was 14.
This is a true story, and it happens every day in America. Kids are lured into human trafficking – modern slavery — via online trickery. Haley comes from a 2-parent upper middle-class home in the suburbs. Haley’s trafficker is in jail today, but fewer than 1% of traffickers ever see the inside of a jail. The church needs to stand in the gap. We need to protect kids and others who are vulnerable. We need to help the survivors, like Haley. Now 24, she is studying to be a paralegal, hopes to become a lawyer, and brings her voice to the modern anti-slavery movement. She spoke to our AATI group on a Tuesday evening in December.
The AATI began in 2024 as part of Lake’s Missional Outreach ministry. We meet monthly in the Sky Room to pray, learn what the Bible says, and train how to fight trafficking. We are initiating a 4-week Bible study starting January 12 in the Genesis class, 8:15 am in OH 202, which will then be available for other classes in the church. AATI is asking you to lift up intercessory prayers to “Deliver Us from Evil” on behalf of all existing victims and vulnerable potential targets for trafficking in your neighborhoods, especially children.